Monday April 24, 2017
12 - 1 pm
Seminar Room, 28th Floor
Tower Wing, Guy's Campus, Great Maze Pond
Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine and Institute for Liver Studies
King's College London, UK
The RNAscope™ in situ hybridization assay is a revolutionary ISH assay—a technology is being routinely used for tissue-based gene expression analysis for stem cell research applications. In particular, the rapid probe design coupled with single-molecule detection enables cell-specific localization of RNA transcripts quickly and precisely for markers of stem cell populations. Researchers using RNAscope technology have published a total of 110 stem cell publications; 29 of which focused on LGR5 and 49 on WNT genes.
Faraia Shah, PhD will present an overview of the RNAscope Assay and the newly introduced BaseScope Assay . Additionally, she will review published data and highlight how other researchers have applied RNAscope assay to
- Identify, characterize, and locate stem cell populations
- Reveal markers of stem cell maintenance and regeneration
- Identify long non-coding RNAs in stem cells
- Detect stem cell markers when no reliable antibodies are available
Maria Paola Serra, PhD from the Rashid Lab will also present her own experiences of the assay:
Characterisation of fetal liver cell populations during development
Questions can be directed to:
Faraia Shah (MPhil, PhD) Faraia.Shah@bio-techne.com
Sales Account Executive Advanced Cell Diagnostics
Cakes and buns will be provided so please register for headcount and also to receive presentation materials.