HALO 3.3 user interface displaying the results section. The left panel includes summary analysis data, histograms, and cell-by-cell data. A cell of interest is highlighted in both the cell table and the image. Enlarged histogram displayed in middle.

BaseScope analysis using the HALO ISH module. (A) PPIB positive control shown with HALO mark-up image in (B). (C) KRAS assay shown with mark-up in (D). In the mark-up images, cells with probes are shown in varying shades of green with darker cells having more probes. White cells have no probes or a number below the minimum number defined by the user.

Duplex FISH assay analyzed with the FISH module of HALO. (A) Duplex FISH assay with nuclei in blue, probe 1 in green, and probe 2 in magenta. (B) HALO FISH analysis mark-up image, where cyan nuclei represent cyan probe positivity and cyan spots represent probes. Similarly, green nuclei represent green probe positivity and green spots represent the green probe. Purple nuclei represent dual positivity.

Co-detection assay using the ISH-IHC module of HALO. (A) ISH-IHC assay with a magenta probe and a teal protein biomarker. (B) HALO mark-up image where blue represents nuclei without probe and lime green represents positivity for the teal IHC biomarker. The pink spots represent the magenta probe, and the gray rings represent a user defined maximum cytoplasmic radius.

Spatial analysis of RNAscope data. (A) An ISH-IHC assay with magenta ISH probe and blue protein. (B) A Density Heatmap is shown of a single-plex magenta ISH probe where blue represents areas of low expression and red represents areas of highest expression.

HALO offers a variety of image analysis export options including exporting cell-by-cell data, summary data, and summary reports, as shown above.
RNAscope quantification with HALO provides:
- Quantitative and reproducible RNAscope spot counting
- Single-plex and multiplex ISH quantification
- Brightfield and fluorescent ISH quantification
- Cell-by-cell expression profiles
- Automatic generation of H-scores and histograms
- Rapid whole-slide analysis
- Manual and automatic selection of distinct cell populations
- Proximity Analysis, Nearest Neighbor Analysis, Infiltration Analysis, and Density Heatmap are available with the Spatial Analysis module
The HALO image analysis platform is compatible with all RNAscope Manual and Automated Assays:
- RNAscope 2.5 HD Reagent Kit—BROWN
- RNAscope 2.5 HD Reagent Kit—RED
- RNAscope 2.5 LS Duplex Assay
- RNAscope 2.5 LS Fluorescent Multiplex Assay
- RNAscope 2.5 LSx Reagent Kit—BROWN
- RNAscope 2.5 LSx Reagent Kit—RED
- BaseScope LS Reagent Kit —RED
- miRNAscope LS Reagent Kit Red
- RNAscope VS Universal HRP
- RNAscope VS Universal AP
- RNAscope VS Duplex Assay
- BaseScope VS Reagent Kit —RED
- RNA-Protein Co-detection Ancillary Kit
- DNAscope Duplex Assay
ACD offers image analysis as part of our Professional Assay Services (Learn more).
The HALO image analysis platform is also available for purchase and deployment within your organization. For more information contact info@indicalab.com.