ACD offers several assay options for manual and automated RNA ISH workflows
to seamlessly integrate RNAscope™ Assay into your lab.
For your initial manual RNAscope™ experiment, we highly recommend starting with an
RNAscope 2.5 HD Assay – BROWN for either human or mouse samples. Our Intro Pack
includes reagents and controls. Purchase target probes separately.
Select from thousands of catalog probes for either manual assay or
automated assay (LS or VS Probes). Be sure to to select probes within probe channel
that corresponds to your selected singleplex, duplex or multiplex assay.
If we don’t yet offer probes for your gene of interest, submit a request for
Made-to-Order Probes and we will design and manufacture for you.
For your initial manual RNAscope™ experiment, order mouse
or human target probe in spectral channel one (C1).
Success with any assay begins with good and consistent quality control practices. Select
species-specific positive control probes, negative control probes and control slides.
If we don't yet offer positive control probes for your species of interest,
please submit a request.
For your initial manual RNAscope™ experiment, if you had selected one of the two Intro Packs,
control slides and probes are already included. Go to Step 4.
Success with the manual RNAscope™ assay will require both the a Hydrophobic Barrier Pen
and the ACD HybEZ Hybridization System. These are must-have items. The ACD EZ-BatchTM
Slide Processing System is an efficiency tool for running mulitple slides simultaneously.
Before starting your assay, prepare for success

pre-run checklist
for a pre-run checklist and quick guide to run your
first RNAscope™ Assay.

workflow to see the protocol in action.