Quebec, Canada
The CERVO Brain Research Center student association, CERVOLET, in collaboration with CeNS and Repol, is happy announce NeuroLinks2019. A networking event in the transdisciplinary field of biophotonics with a specific focus in neuroscience.
NeuroLinks2019 aims to:
1: Inform graduate students in neuroscience, optics, medicine and biology about potential career alternatives outside of academia, and
2: Provide an evironment where local industry representatives can meet and network with future prospective employees in a laid back environment .
We are inviting more then fifteen different industry representatives from the fields of neuroscience, optics, medicine and biology to present their career path and present potential job options at respective company.
This year, CERVOLET has partnered with the student associations of Centre hospitalier de l'Université Laval (CHUL, Association: CeNS) and the Centre d'optique, photonique et lasers (COPL, Association: REPOL), to create an even larger and more transdisciplinary audience.
Important information:
Date: May 28th, 2019
Location: Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec (IUSMQ)
Room: Salle Marie Renouard (Registration & Cocktail), Salle Adéline Gauvine (Presentations)