RNAscope assay is an innovative and proprietary RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) assay based on ACD's patented technology with signal amplification and simultaneous background noise suppression. Unique to this technology, RNAscope assay delivers quantitative, sensitive and specific molecular detection of RNA species on a cell-by-cell basis with morphological context in a single assay. This enables researchers to visualize which genes are expressed, localize where they are expressed, and quantify the level of expression, thus making it ideal tool to complement technologies like IHC, qPCR or NGS. Our recent development, the BaseScope™ assay, now enables detection of any short RNA targets and exon junctions.
This webinar is targeted towards new and intermediate RNA ISH or IHC users. It is intended to be an introduction and does not require previous training.
This webinar will include the following topics:
- Basics of RNAscope technology
- Planning an RNAscope assay
- Tips and tricks for sample preparation
- FAQs & troubleshooting the RNAscope assay