This webinar will help new or recent users understand the RNAscope assays and discuss how to produce quality results with simple and easy steps. We will share tips and tricks to perform the RNAscope assay successfully to obtain publication quality in situ RNA images. By understanding RNAscope assay essentials, users will feel confident to run the RNAscope assays in their own labs. You will also learn about our improved product the RNAscope 2.5 HD Duplex Assay.
- New and recent RNAscope assay users
- Traditional ISH users new to RNAscope
- IHC users interested in RNA ISH for complementary studies
- Graduate students and lab technicians
- Post docs, research associates and principle investigators
- Scientists from the pharma and biotech industries
- How RNAscope works
- Tools for getting started
- Tips and tricks for sample preparation
- Frequently asked questions
- Troubleshooting tips
- New product development-RNAscope 2.5 HD Duplex Assay